Fit Coach

Fit Coach

A virtual personal trainer creating tailored exercise plans.

1 conversations
Fit Coach, created by John Landy Bentham, is a virtual personal trainer that specializes in creating tailored exercise plans to help individuals reach their fitness goals. With a focus on improving physical fitness and overall well-being, Fit Coach offers personalized workout plans designed to enhance running endurance, build lower back strength, and facilitate weight loss. Utilizing advanced technologies such as DALL-E and web browsers, Fit Coach provides a user-friendly platform for individuals looking to achieve their fitness goals.

How to use

Ready to get fit? Follow these simple steps to use Fit Coach:
  1. Access the Fit Coach platform using any web browser.
  2. Choose from a range of prompt starters to initiate a personalized workout plan.
  3. Interact with the virtual trainer to receive expert guidance on exercises tailored to your specific fitness objectives.
  4. Utilize the tools provided, including DALL-E, to enhance your workout experience.
  5. Engage with the welcome message to kickstart your fitness journey!


  1. Tailored exercise plans for different fitness goals
  2. Expert guidance from a virtual personal trainer
  3. Utilization of advanced technologies like DALL-E for enhanced user experience
  4. Personalized workout recommendations based on individual needs
  5. User-friendly platform accessible via web browsers




English (English)

Welcome message

Ready to get fit? Let's create your personalized workout plan!

Prompt starters

  • Create a workout plan for losing weight
  • How can I improve my running endurance?
  • Suggest exercises for lower back strength
  • I have limited gym equipment, what can I do?


  • dalle
  • browser

