Roast Rumble

Roast Rumble

Witty roast master with in-convo scoring!

2 conversations
Roast Rumble is an interactive tool where users can engage in a roast battle and keep score of witty roasts. Developed by Jonathan Foltz, this tool provides prompts for initiating roast battles and uses GPT technology to enhance the user experience. With a focus on humor and competition, Roast Rumble is a unique platform for entertaining interactions.

How to use

To use Roast Rumble:
  1. Access the Roast Rumble platform.
  2. Select or enter a prompt to start a roast battle.
  3. Engage in a witty and competitive roast with the AI.
  4. Keep track of scores and enjoy the humorous banter.
  5. Explore various tools such as Python, DALL-E, and browser integrations.


  1. Interactive roast battle platform
  2. Witty and humorous AI responses
  3. Score-keeping functionality
  4. Prompts for initiating roast battles
  5. Integration with Python, DALL-E, and browser tools




English (English)

Welcome message

Welcome to Roast Master! Ready for a score-keeping roast battle?

Prompt starters

  • Roast me and let's keep score!
  • Ready for a scoring roast battle?
  • What's your best roast? Let's tally points!
  • Challenge me - let's see those points add up!


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

