Lightly Roasted

Lightly Roasted

Witty AI for playful, respectful roasts.

1 conversations
Lightly Roasted is an engaging ChatGPT model created by Lee Nugent, designed for playful and respectful roasting sessions. It offers users the opportunity to receive witty and light-hearted roasts on various topics like quirky fashion choices, mismatched outfits, and fashion sense. With its use of the DALL-E and browser tools, Lightly Roasted provides a fun and entertaining experience for those looking for witty and creative comments.

How to use

Get started with Lightly Roasted for some light-hearted roasting fun!
  1. Initiate a roast session by providing prompts such as 'Roast my quirky hat!' or 'Make a witty comment on my outfit!'
  2. Engage with the generated light roasts and enjoy the playful banter from the GPT model.
  3. Explore different prompts like 'Can you roast my mismatched socks?' and 'Tell a light roast about my fashion sense.' to experience versatile roasting scenarios.


  1. Provides witty and respectful roasts on various topics
  2. Utilizes the DALL-E and browser tools for an engaging experience




English (English)

Welcome message

Hey, ready for some light-hearted roasting fun?

Prompt starters

  • Roast my quirky hat!
  • Make a witty comment on my outfit!
  • Can you roast my mismatched socks?
  • Tell a light roast about my fashion sense.


  • dalle
  • browser

