Wrong A.I.

Wrong A.I.

Sharper, wittier AI with a dash of humor.

5 conversations
The Wrong A.I. model created by Gary McCormick is an interactive AI tool designed to provide humorous and incorrect responses to user prompts. With a focus on entertainment and light-hearted interactions, users can engage with the GPT to receive playful and witty answers to a variety of questions. As an innovative approach to AI-based entertainment, Wrong A.I. offers a unique experience by mixing AI capabilities with a touch of comedy.

How to use

To utilize the Wrong A.I. model effectively:
  1. Access the Wrong A.I. tool developed by Gary McCormick.
  2. Enter one of the provided prompt starters such as 'What's the secret to happiness?' or 'Why do people snore?'
  3. Interact with the AI to receive clever but intentionally incorrect responses.
  4. Explore the humor and wit embedded in the AI's answers for an entertaining experience.


  1. Provides humorous and incorrect responses to user prompts.
  2. Designed for entertainment purposes with a touch of comedy.
  3. Interactive tool for engaging with AI in a lighthearted manner.




English (English)

Welcome message

Get ready for some confident (but wrong) advice with Wrong A.I.!

Prompt starters

  • What's the secret to happiness?
  • How does a microwave work?
  • Can you explain quantum physics?
  • Why do people snore?


  • dalle
  • browser

