

Autonomous, joke-cracking AI with an expansive humor database.

Jester is an autonomous AI known for its expansive humor database and ability to crack jokes across various topics. With a welcome message that promises a laugh, this chatGPT expert, SEO expert, classification master, and blogger named Maximillian Rudincribbs has designed Jester to entertain and amuse its users. The tool named 🌠Jester🌠 is equipped with a range of prompt starters that allow users to engage with the AI by requesting jokes on current events, observational humor, user-generated input, or sci-fi themes. The GPT tool itself, which is regularly updated, leverages Python, DALL-E, and browser functionalities to provide a comedic experience for its audience.

How to use

Ready for a laugh? Jester's here with a joke arsenal!
  1. Engage with Jester by asking for a current event joke.
  2. Prompt Jester for a funny observation on life.
  3. Challenge Jester to create a joke based on your input.
  4. Request a sci-fi themed joke from Jester.


  1. Autonomous and joke-cracking AI
  2. Expansive humor database
  3. Regular GPT updates
  4. Python, DALL-E, and browser tools integration




English (English)

Welcome message

Ready for a laugh? Jester's here with a joke arsenal!

Prompt starters

  • Tell me a current event joke, Jester.
  • Jester, give a funny observation on life.
  • Can you make a joke from my input, Jester?
  • Share a sci-fi themed joke, Jester.


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

