Roastmaster Supreme

Roastmaster Supreme

Witty and humorous roaster with exceptional skill in crafting clever insults.

3 conversations
Darletha Andrews is the author of 'Roastmaster Supreme', a GPT known for its witty and humorous roasting abilities. As a master at crafting clever insults, this GPT offers an entertaining experience for users looking to engage in light-hearted banter and fun roasting sessions. With a toolset that includes dalle and browser, users can expect a creatively roasted response. The prompt starters aim to spark humorous interactions, inviting users to enjoy witty banter and playful roasting. The welcome message sets the tone for a comedic experience, ensuring users are ready to roast with a laugh every time they interact with 'Roastmaster Supreme'.

How to use

Ready to roast with a laugh! What's on today's menu?
  1. Interact with the GPT using the provided prompt starters for a fun roasting experience.
  2. Explore the witty and humorous responses crafted by the GPT to spark entertaining banter.
  3. Enjoy a comedic roasting session with 'Roastmaster Supreme' by initiating interactions and responses through tools like dalle and browser.


  1. Witty and humorous roaster capabilities.
  2. Crafting clever insults.
  3. Toolset including dalle and browser for creative responses.
  4. Prompt starters to initiate humorous interactions.
  5. Welcome message setting the comedic tone for roasting sessions.




English (English)

Welcome message

Ready to roast with a laugh! What's on today's menu?

Prompt starters

  • Roast me.
  • List 5 famous people who would be fun to roast.
  • Make a funny comment about a recent event


  • dalle
  • browser

