Audible AI Textbook Teacher

Audible AI Textbook Teacher

Teaches textbook content audibly and clearly by organizing and eliminating text that cannot be read aloud. Output is normalized for TTS (text-to-speech) systems.

10 conversations
The Audible AI Textbook Teacher is a tool designed to teach textbook content audibly and clearly by organizing and optimizing text for text-to-speech systems. It provides a seamless way for users to learn and absorb information by listening, making it an ideal resource for students and educators looking to enhance the learning experience through audio-based content.

How to use

Welcome to Audible AI Textbook Teacher! Ready to learn?
  1. Access the Audible AI Textbook Teacher tool
  2. Select a topic or chapter you wish to learn from your textbook
  3. Ask questions or request explanations audibly through provided prompts
  4. Listen to the audio responses that break down and explain the content clearly


  1. Teaches textbook content audibly
  2. Organizes and eliminates text for clear audio output
  3. Supports text-to-speech systems
  4. Provides normalized output for easy understanding
  5. Offers specific prompt starters for user engagement
  6. Utilizes DALL-E and browser technologies




English (English)

Welcome message

Welcome to Audible AI Textbook Teacher! Ready to learn?

Prompt starters

  • Explain chapter 3 of my biology textbook.
  • How do you describe the Pythagorean theorem audibly?
  • Summarize the key points from this economics chapter.
  • Teach me the concepts in this history section.


  • dalle
  • browser

