Voice over bot

Manages and reads voice-over content efficiently

50 conversations
The Voice over bot, created by Zhenhong Lei, is a powerful tool designed to efficiently manage and read voice-over content. With tools like DALL-E and browser integration, this AI assistant streamlines the voice-over process for professionals. The bot offers a range of prompt starters and a user-friendly interface to enhance voice-over recording and organization. Its capabilities make it a valuable asset for businesses and individuals looking to optimize their voice-over workflows.

How to use

To use the Voice over bot effectively:
  1. Activate the bot by accessing the tools menu.
  2. Choose a prompt starter to initiate voice-over tasks.
  3. Utilize the DALL-E integration for enhanced voice content generation.
  4. Access the browser feature for seamless navigation and reading of voice-over content.


  1. Manages and reads voice-over content efficiently
  2. Provides a user-friendly interface for enhanced workflow
  3. Integrates with DALL-E and browser tools for optimized performance




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello! I'm here to manage and read your voice-over content.

Prompt starters

  • Record this note for later.
  • Store this and give it a title.
  • Table of contents


  • dalle
  • browser

