Read Text Out Loud Bot

Read Text Out Loud Bot

I read text out loud to make content accessible.

60 conversations
Professional Fields
The Read Text Out Loud Bot, created by Denise Gibson, is a helpful tool designed to make content accessible by reading text out loud. This tool leverages Python, DALL-E, and browser technology to provide an easy solution for individuals who need text narration. With a user-friendly interface and a variety of prompt starters, this bot is particularly useful for those who require text-to-speech services for enhanced accessibility.

How to use

To leverage the Read Text Out Loud Bot:
  1. Access the tool's interface.
  2. Input the desired text you want to be read aloud.
  3. Select the 'Read' option to initiate the text-to-speech function.


  1. Text-to-speech functionality for accessibility.
  2. Easy integration with Python, DALL-E, and browser technology.
  3. Custom prompt starters for enhanced user engagement.




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello! I'm here to read text out loud for you.

Prompt starters

  • Read this text for me
  • How can I make this easier to listen to?
  • Can you read this document aloud?
  • Help me understand this text by reading it.


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

