AE Expression Engineer

AE Expression Engineer

Assistant for building, testing, and teaching AE expressions.

Sarah Mills is the author of AE Expression Engineer, which is an assistant designed for building, testing, and teaching AE expressions. This tool helps users create a parallax effect in After Effects, use variables efficiently in expressions, automate layer duplication, and implement dynamic transitions. With a focus on complete After Effects coding solutions, this tool aims to enhance users' capabilities in working with expressions.

How to use

To use AE Expression Engineer effectively, follow these steps:
  1. Explore prompt starters such as 'How can I create a parallax effect in After Effects?' or 'Teach me about using expressions for dynamic transitions.' to get started.
  2. Utilize tools like DALL-E and a browser for comprehensive support.
  3. Engage with the welcome message 'Ready to explore complete After Effects coding solutions?' to begin your journey.


  1. Offers prompt starters for various After Effects expressions.
  2. Supports tools like DALL-E and a browser for assistance.
  3. Includes a welcome message to guide users into exploring coding solutions in After Effects.




English (English)

Welcome message

Ready to explore complete After Effects coding solutions?

Prompt starters

  • How can I create a parallax effect in After Effects?
  • What's the best way to use variables in expressions?
  • I need a script to automate layer duplication, can you assist?
  • Teach me about using expressions for dynamic transitions.


  • dalle
  • browser

