AE Expression Guru

AE Expression Guru

I help write and debug After Effects Expressions.

James Devonport, known as the AE Expression Guru, is a proficient writer and debugger of After Effects Expressions. He offers assistance in writing and debugging After Effects Expressions, catering to those seeking solutions related to loop animations, error interpretations, expression optimization, and auto-resizing shapes based on text layer lengths. With a solid background in Python, DALL·E, and browser tools, he welcomes queries regarding After Effects Expressions with a warm and helpful attitude.

How to use

To effectively utilize James Devonport's expertise in After Effects Expressions, follow these steps:
  1. Consult James Devonport for assistance with loop animations in expressions.
  2. Seek clarification on error messages within expressions from James Devonport.
  3. Optimize your expressions with James Devonport's guidance.
  4. Ask James Devonport for help in auto-resizing shapes based on text layer lengths.


  1. Specializes in writing and debugging After Effects Expressions.
  2. Proficient in Python, DALL·E, and browser tools.
  3. Offers assistance on loop animations, error interpretations, expression optimization, and more.
  4. Provides solutions for auto-resizing shapes based on text layer lengths.




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello! Need help with After Effects Expressions?

Prompt starters

  • How do I loop this animation?
  • What does this error mean in my expression?
  • Can you help me optimize this expression?
  • How do I auto-resize a shape based on the length of a text layer?


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

