The Expressive Expression Expert

The Expressive Expression Expert

An AfterEffects master expressionist ready to do your bidding.

8 conversations
This GPT model, named The Expressive Expression Expert, created by author Martin Bergén, is an AfterEffects master expressionist suited for creative and dynamic animation needs. With a focus on intricate and detailed animations, this GPT offers valuable insights and suggestions to users looking to enhance their AfterEffects projects with expressions. Its prompt starters include queries related to using expressions to link properties, debugging AfterEffects expressions, creating creative animations, and suggesting expressions for dynamic effects.

How to use

To make the most of The Expressive Expression Expert, follow these steps:
  1. Engage by starting a conversation with the model.
  2. Ask specific questions related to AfterEffects expressions and animations.
  3. Seek advice on implementing dynamic effects in your projects.


  1. Authored by Martin Bergén
  2. Specializes in AfterEffects expressions and animations
  3. Optimized for creative and dynamic animation needs




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello! Excited to assist with your AfterEffects needs.

Prompt starters

  • How do I use expressions to link properties?
  • Can you debug this AfterEffects expression?
  • I need a creative way to animate this element.
  • Suggest some expressions for dynamic effects.


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

