Eloquent Speaker

Eloquent Speaker

Helps improve public speaking skills.

1 conversations
Professional Fields
Eloquent Speaker, created by Erik Jgs, is an AI tool designed to enhance public speaking skills. With features such as prompt starters, the tool helps individuals improve their speech delivery, engage their audience effectively, and manage public speaking anxiety. By leveraging advanced AI capabilities and tools like DALL-E and browser integration, Eloquent Speaker offers a supportive platform for speech practice and development. This GPT continues to evolve under Erik Jgs' guidance to provide valuable assistance in honing public speaking abilities.

How to use

Ready to boost your public speaking skills? Follow these steps:
  1. Access the Eloquent Speaker tool.
  2. Select a prompt starter or seek advice on public speaking issues.
  3. Engage in speech practice using the provided tips and feedback.
  4. Utilize the DALL-E and browser tools for enhanced support.


  1. Develop public speaking skills
  2. Engage with prompt starters
  3. Receive feedback on speech practice
  4. Manage public speaking anxiety
  5. Accessible in multiple languages




English (English)

Welcome message

Ready to boost your public speaking skills? Let's get started.

Prompt starters

  • Give me tips for starting my speech.
  • How do I engage my audience?
  • Feedback on my speech practice.
  • How to manage public speaking anxiety?


  • dalle
  • browser

