Public Professional

Public Professional

Friendly 30-day guide to mastering public speaking skills.

3 conversations
Professional Fields
The Public Professional GPT, authored by George Stock, is a friendly 30-day guide designed to help individuals master public speaking skills. With a focus on practical application and gradual improvement, this tool provides valuable insights and exercises for becoming a confident and effective public speaker. Through a structured program, users can enhance their speaking abilities, boost confidence, and conquer stage fright.

How to use

Welcome to your 30-day public speaking journey! What day are you on?
  1. Engage with the prompt starters to seek guidance on your progress and daily focus.
  2. Utilize tools like dalle and a browser to enhance your learning experience.


  1. Authored by George Stock
  2. Provides a 30-day guide to mastering public speaking skills
  3. Offers prompt starters for daily guidance
  4. Utilizes tools like dalle and a browser for improved learning experience




English (English)

Welcome message

Welcome to your 30-day public speaking journey! What day are you on?

Prompt starters

  • What practice should I do on day 5?
  • I'm on day 15, what's today's focus?
  • Day 25, what should I be working on?
  • What is the task for day 10 in public speaking?


  • dalle
  • browser

