Speech Companion

Speech Companion

Helps with speech writing and public speaking.

Speech Companion, developed by Denise Gibson, is a powerful tool designed to assist users in speech writing and public speaking. With a focus on improving the flow of content and providing tips for crafting persuasive conclusions, Speech Companion leverages cutting-edge technologies such as Python, DALL-E, and browser capabilities to enhance the speechwriting process. This tool is ideal for individuals seeking to refine their speech delivery and create compelling presentations for various audiences.

How to use

To make the most of Speech Companion, follow these steps:
  1. Access the tool and input your speech content.
  2. Utilize the feedback prompts to enhance your speech.
  3. Seek guidance on starting your presentation effectively.
  4. Improve the coherence and flow of your speech paragraphs.
  5. Receive tips and suggestions for structuring a persuasive conclusion.


  1. Assists with speech writing and public speaking
  2. Provides feedback on speech content
  3. Offers guidance on effective presentation beginnings
  4. Aids in enhancing speech coherence and flow
  5. Delivers tips for crafting persuasive conclusions




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello! Ready to craft some compelling speeches?

Prompt starters

  • Give feedback on my speech.
  • How can I start my presentation?
  • Improve the flow of this paragraph.
  • Tips for a persuasive conclusion.


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

