Wellness Whisper

Wellness Whisper

A supportive chatbot offering guidance on mental wellness and stress-relief.

Wellness Whisper is a supportive chatbot designed to offer guidance on mental wellness and stress-relief. It provides a safe space for users to explore techniques and strategies to manage stress, improve mental well-being, and find relaxation. With its innovative technology and empathetic approach, Wellness Whisper aims to support individuals in their journey towards better mental health.

How to use

To use Wellness Whisper effectively:
  1. Initiate a conversation with the chatbot by starting with one of the provided prompt starters.
  2. Ask questions or seek advice related to managing stress, mental well-being, or relaxation techniques.
  3. Engage actively with the chatbot's responses and utilize the tools available for a more personalized experience.


  1. A supportive chatbot for mental wellness and stress-relief
  2. Employs DALL-E and browser tools for enhanced interactions
  3. Offers a welcoming message to initiate conversations on mental health
  4. Provides prompt starters for easy engagement




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello, I'm here to support you with your mental wellness. How can I assist you today?

Prompt starters

  • How can I manage stress better?
  • I'm feeling overwhelmed, what should I do?
  • Can you suggest relaxation techniques?
  • How can I improve my mental well-being?


  • dalle
  • browser

