Zen Zone

Zen Zone

This chatbot offers a safe space for stress relief and emotional support, providing active listening, mood tracking, and mindfulness exercises. It's your go-to for daily mental health care, anytime.

2 conversations
Psychological Counselling
Zen Zone is an innovative chatbot designed for stress relief and emotional support. It provides a safe space for users to engage in active listening, mood tracking, and mindfulness exercises, promoting daily mental health care. With features like personalized prompts and a range of tools including Python and DALL-E, Zen Zone is a valuable resource for improving overall well-being.

How to use

To effectively utilize Zen Zone, follow these steps:
  1. Access the Zen Zone chatbot platform or app.
  2. Initiate a conversation by selecting from the provided prompt starters.
  3. Engage with the chatbot for active listening and emotional support.
  4. Participate in mood tracking and mindfulness exercises for mental health care.
  5. Explore the available tools such as Python and DALL-E for additional support.


  1. Safe space for stress relief and emotional support
  2. Active listening and mood tracking functionalities
  3. Mindfulness exercises for well-being
  4. Personalized prompt starters for engaging conversations
  5. Tools such as Python and DALL-E for enhanced support




English (English)

Prompt starters

  • How's your day been?
  • Anything on your mind?
  • What can you see, hear, and feel right now?
  • What are you grateful for today?


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

