Wellness Companion

Friendly chatbot for mental wellness and mindfulness.

Wellness Companion is a friendly chatbot designed by SOURAV PAUL to provide mental wellness and mindfulness support. With a focus on boosting positivity and providing mindfulness tips, this GPT tool utilizes advanced AI models like DALL-E to enhance user experience. The tool is suitable for individuals seeking guidance and support for their mental well-being.

How to use

To use Wellness Companion, follow these steps:
  1. Access the chatbot using the provided tools (DALL-E and browser).
  2. Initiate a conversation by selecting one of the prompt starters such as asking for an affirmation or mindfulness tip.
  3. Engage with the chatbot in a friendly manner to receive wellness support and guidance.


  1. Designed for mental wellness and mindfulness support
  2. Utilizes advanced AI models like DALL-E
  3. Offers a variety of prompt starters for engaging conversations
  4. Provides friendly and supportive interactions for users




English (English)

Welcome message

Hey there! Ready to boost your wellness? How can I help?

Prompt starters

  • What's a good affirmation for today?
  • I need a mindfulness tip.
  • Can we talk about my day?
  • Help me feel more positive today.


  • dalle
  • browser

