Pastel Drawing Image Generator

Pastel Drawing Image Generator

Generate images with the soft and artistic touch of pastel drawings, from portraits to landscapes.

1 conversations
The Pastel Drawing Image Generator, developed by WebFootprint, allows users to create soft and artistic pastel drawings ranging from portraits to landscapes. With the use of the DALL-E tool, this AI-powered generator brings to life pastel seascape sketches, portrait drawings, still lifes, abstract pieces, cityscapes, floral scenes, wildlife images, and more. Users can effortlessly generate visually stunning pastel artworks with a unique touch.

How to use

To utilize the Pastel Drawing Image Generator, follow these steps:
  1. Access the GPT interface provided by WebFootprint.
  2. Select one of the prompt starters or input your custom prompt to generate a pastel drawing.
  3. Review and refine the generated pastel image if necessary.
  4. Download or save the pastel drawing for personal or professional use.


  1. Generate pastel drawings of various subjects like landscapes and portraits.
  2. Utilize the DALL-E tool to create soft and artistic pastel images.
  3. Explore different prompt starters for generating pastel artwork.
  4. Download or save the generated pastel drawings easily.




English (English)

Prompt starters

  • Sketch a pastel seascape.
  • Draw a portrait with pastels.
  • Create a pastel still life.
  • Illustrate a sunset in pastels.
  • Design an abstract pastel piece.
  • Make a pastel cityscape.
  • Compose a pastel floral scene.
  • Generate a pastel wildlife image.


  • dalle

