Oil Painting Buddy

Oil Painting Buddy

Transform your uploaded images into oil paintings.

300 conversations
Oil Painting Buddy is a cutting-edge tool developed by Robert Elmy that enables users to effortlessly transform their uploaded images into stunning oil paintings. With a user-friendly interface and the utilization of DALL-E technology, this GPT offers a seamless experience for individuals looking to add a touch of realism and artistic flair to their digital images. Its innovative capabilities cater to artists, photographers, and content creators seeking to enhance their visuals with the charm of traditional oil paintings.

How to use

To make the most of Oil Painting Buddy, follow these simple steps:
  1. Upload your desired image to the platform.
  2. Wait for the tool to process and generate a realistic oil painting based on your input.
  3. Download the transformed image and use it in your projects to elevate their visual appeal.


  1. Utilizes DALL-E technology for creating oil painting effects
  2. Offers a user-friendly interface for easy image transformation
  3. Provides prompt starters and tools tailored for realism oil painting prompts




English (English)

Welcome message

Send me an image for a Realism oil painting prompt!


  • dalle

