Art Style Remix

Art Style Remix

Effortlessly blend art styles and create striking imagery.

80 conversations
The Art Style Remix GPT created by Andrew Glover allows users to effortlessly blend various art styles and create striking imagery using Python and DALL-E. With a vast array of prompt starters, users can explore combinations like Chalk and Charcoal, Fresco and Surrealism, Rhinestones and Sashiko, and more. This tool opens up possibilities for artists to push their creative boundaries and experiment with unconventional art pairings. Embrace the opportunity to fuse seemingly different styles and produce unique, innovative artworks.

How to use

Get started with Art Style Remix by following these steps:
  1. Access the GPT tool designed by Andrew Glover.
  2. Choose a prompt starter that inspires your art blend.
  3. Utilize Python and DALL-E to execute the art style remix.
  4. Experiment with different combinations and techniques to create visually captivating artwork.


  1. Effortlessly blend art styles
  2. Create striking imagery
  3. Explore diverse prompt starters
  4. Use Python and DALL-E for art generation




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello! Let's blend art styles and expand your artistic horizons!

Prompt starters

  • Two opposing ideologies
  • Two controversial mixed media artists
  • Chalk and Charcoal
  • Fresco and Surrealism
  • Dan Flavin and James Turrell
  • Greece and Turkey
  • Victor Vasarely and Picasso
  • Rhinestones and Sashiko
  • Ancient Greece and Egyptian
  • Anime and stick figures


  • python
  • dalle

