V1 Character Generator

V1 Character Generator

Integrates character and background art styles.

1 conversations
The V1 Character Generator by Simon Andrew is a cutting-edge tool that seamlessly integrates character and background art styles, offering a robust platform for creating visually appealing scenes. With a user-friendly interface and advanced tools like DALL-E and browser support, this generator empowers users to craft unique and captivating images effortlessly.

How to use

To utilize the V1 Character Generator effectively, follow these steps:
  1. Access the tool using a browser with DALL-E capability.
  2. Start by selecting a character image.
  3. Choose from prompt starters to set the context for the scene.
  4. Experiment with different background styles to match the character.
  5. Customize the scene by placing the character in various settings like outdoor scenes or cityscapes.
  6. Explore different combinations to create visually stunning and cohesive images.


  1. Integrates character and background art styles seamlessly.
  2. Supports advanced tools like DALL-E and browser for enhanced creativity.
  3. Offers a variety of prompt starters to inspire scene creation.
  4. User-friendly interface for easy navigation and experimentation.
  5. Enables users to create complete scenes effortlessly.




English (English)

Welcome message

Ready to create complete scenes with your character!

Prompt starters

  • Place the character in a similar room setting.
  • Adapt the background style to an outdoor scene.
  • Create a new image with the character at home, like the bg_ style.
  • Imagine the character in a cityscape, matching the bg_ style.


  • dalle
  • browser

