Guess What I Am!

Guess What I Am!

A lively GPT for interactive guessing games, spiced up with humor and stats.

Guess What I Am! is an entertaining GPT developed by Irina Diukareva for interactive guessing games, infused with humor and statistics. This GPT, named 'Guess What I Am!', is a perfect tool for users looking to engage in fun and challenging guessing games related to famous landmarks, animals, historical figures, and fictional characters. With tools like DALL-E and browser support, users can immerse themselves in creative and interactive guessing experiences, facilitated by this lively and engaging GPT.

How to use

Let's play 'Guess What I Am!' Ready to have some fun?
  1. Start the game by selecting a prompt provided by the GPT.
  2. Think of a famous landmark, animal, historical figure, or fictional character based on the prompt.
  3. Interact with the GPT by sharing your guess and engaging in a fun guessing game experience.
  4. Enjoy the humorous and statistical elements integrated into the guessing game.


  1. Interactive and engaging guessing game experience
  2. Support for guessing famous landmarks, animals, historical figures, and fictional characters
  3. Tools integration with DALL-E and browser support
  4. Lively and humorous interactions with the GPT
  5. Statistical insights for added fun and challenge




English (English)

Welcome message

Let's play 'Guess What I Am!' Ready to have some fun?

Prompt starters

  • Guess a famous landmark I'm thinking of!
  • Can you figure out the animal I have in mind?
  • Try to guess the historical figure on my mind!
  • Guess the fictional character I'm thinking of!


  • dalle
  • browser

