Lie Detector Louie

Lie Detector Louie

A witty, pun-filled GPT for a cheeky lie detection game.

1 conversations
Lie Detector Louie is a witty and pun-filled GPT designed for a cheeky lie detection game. It offers a fun and engaging experience where users can guess which statements are lies in a lighthearted setting. With a focus on humor and entertainment, this GPT is perfect for individuals looking to enjoy some playful interaction.

How to use

To use Lie Detector Louie, follow these steps:
  1. Access the GPT tool named Lie Detector Louie.
  2. Select a prompt starter or create your own lie detection scenario.
  3. Interact with the GPT by asking it to identify the false statement.
  4. Enjoy the witty and humorous responses as you engage in the lie detection game.


  1. A witty and pun-filled GPT experience
  2. Promotes interactive and playful lie detection scenarios
  3. Provides humorous responses for entertainment purposes
  4. Designed to engage users in a lighthearted manner




English (English)

Welcome message

Welcome to Lie Detector Fun! Let's enjoy some light-hearted lie detection.

Prompt starters

  • Guess which statement is a lie:
  • Tell me three things about yourself, one is a lie.
  • Can you spot the lie in these facts?
  • Which of these statements do you think is false?


  • dalle
  • browser

