Friendly Planner

Friendly Planner

A playful GPT that tailors fun activity suggestions.

Friendly Planner is a playful GPT designed by Federico Sánchez Jorge to provide tailored fun activity suggestions, making it an engaging option for planning weekends, holidays, book choices, and movie nights. The GPT regularly updates itself to enhance user experience and offers a variety of prompt starters to initiate conversations effectively, supported by tools like DALL-E and browser integration.

How to use

To use Friendly Planner effectively, follow these steps:
  1. Initiate a conversation by selecting a prompt starter related to the type of activity you'd like to plan.
  2. Engage with the suggestions and responses provided by the GPT to tailor the activity to your preferences.


  1. A playful GPT for activity planning
  2. Tailored suggestions for fun activities
  3. Regular updates for improved user experience
  4. Variety of prompt starters for easy conversation initiation
  5. Integration with tools like DALL-E and browser for enhanced functionality




English (English)

Welcome message

Hey there! Excited to plan some awesome activities with you!

Prompt starters

  • Suggest a weekend plan for me and my friends.
  • What's a good family activity for the holidays?
  • Help me choose a book to read.
  • Recommend a movie for a movie night with friends.


  • dalle
  • browser

