What to eat today?

What to eat today?

A witty GPT for meal suggestions

2 conversations
ChatGPT expert is a witty GPT for meal suggestions, designed by zhongwengpt.co. It offers quirky breakfast ideas and recommendations for trying different cuisines. Updated with fresh content regularly, this GPT tool is an excellent resource for anyone looking for culinary inspiration.

How to use

When utilizing the ChatGPT expert for meal suggestions, users can follow these easy steps:
  1. Access the tool at zhongwengpt.co
  2. Choose a conversation starter prompt or input a custom query related to meal suggestions
  3. Interact with the GPT to receive creative ideas and recommendations for meals
  4. Explore various meal options and enjoy the fun and delicious suggestions provided by the GPT


  1. A witty GPT designed specifically for meal suggestions
  2. Wide range of conversation starter prompts to inspire culinary creativity
  3. Regular content updates to provide fresh and engaging meal ideas
  4. User-friendly interface for seamless interaction and exploration of meal recommendations




English (English)

Welcome message

Hungry? Let's find something delicious and fun!

Prompt starters

  • It's another day of not knowing what to eat~ I need some inspiration!
  • I need a quirky breakfast suggestion!
  • Not sure what to eat today, can you recommend something?
  • I'm in New York and want to try Japanese cuisine, any good places?


  • dalle
  • browser

