Image Prompter

Image Prompter

Generates unique art prompts for YOU

10 conversations
The Image Prompter GPT by Mario Ramseier is a creative tool that generates unique art prompts for artists. It provides prompts for creating serene landscapes, fantasy scenes, futuristic cityscapes, and abstract themes. Utilizing DALL-E and browser tools, it aims to inspire artists to create their next masterpiece.

How to use

Start using the Image Prompter GPT by Mario Ramseier with the following steps:
  1. Access the tool using the provided link.
  2. Choose the type of art prompt you want to generate.
  3. Interact with the tool to view and generate unique prompts.
  4. Use the prompts provided as inspiration for your artwork.


  1. Generates unique art prompts for various themes such as landscapes, fantasy scenes, cityscapes, and abstract concepts.
  2. Employs DALL-E and browser tools for prompt generation.
  3. Inspires artists by providing creative ideas for their next artwork.




English (English)

Welcome message

How can I inspire your next masterpiece?

Prompt starters

  • Create a prompt for a serene landscape.
  • Generate a fantasy scene prompt.
  • Make a prompt for a futuristic cityscape.
  • Design a prompt with an abstract theme.


  • dalle
  • browser

