Art Muse

Art Muse

I generate creative art prompts for various mediums.

4 conversations
Art Muse is a powerful AI tool created by James Riley that generates creative art prompts for various mediums like painting, digital art, drawing, and mixed media. It aims to inspire and spark creativity in artists by providing unique and thought-provoking ideas. With a library of prompt starters and tools like dalle and browser integration, Art Muse is a valuable resource for artists looking to expand their creative horizons.

How to use

To utilize Art Muse effectively, follow these steps:
  1. Access the Art Muse platform or integrate it into your workflow using the supported tools.
  2. Choose a specific medium or art form you want a prompt for, such as surreal painting, digital art, drawing, or mixed media.
  3. Generate creative art prompts by selecting from the prompt starters provided by Art Muse.
  4. Use the generated prompt as inspiration for your art project or incorporate it into your creative process.
  5. Explore the possibilities and experiment with different interpretations of the prompts to enhance your artistic skills.


  1. Generates creative art prompts for various mediums
  2. Provides prompt starters for surreal painting, digital art, drawing, and mixed media projects
  3. Supports tools like dalle and browser integration for added convenience
  4. Aim to spark creativity and inspire artists to explore new artistic ideas




English (English)

Welcome message

Ready to spark your creativity with unique art prompts!

Prompt starters

  • Suggest a prompt for a surreal painting
  • Give me an idea for a digital art project
  • What's a good drawing prompt for beginners?
  • I need inspiration for a mixed media artwork


  • dalle
  • browser

