Art Generator

Art Generator

Generates art and suggests creative prompts.

The Art Generator created by Jose Villalobos offers a platform that generates art and provides creative prompts. Artists can utilize this tool for inspiration and to kickstart their creative process. With a focus on creating unique and imaginative artwork, the Art Generator is a valuable resource for those seeking to explore different styles and themes in their art projects.

How to use

Welcome to the Art Idea Prompter! Ready to create or need some inspiration?
  1. Access the Art Generator platform
  2. Choose an option to either generate an artwork prompt or create an art piece
  3. Follow the suggested creative prompts to start your art project
  4. Utilize the provided tools such as Python, DALL-E, and browser for creating digital art


  1. Generates art and suggests creative prompts
  2. Offers a variety of art project suggestions and themes
  3. Provides tools such as Python, DALL-E, and browser for creating digital artwork
  4. Designed by Jose Villalobos with an update as of November 10, 2023




English (English)

Welcome message

Welcome to the Art Idea Prompter! Ready to create or need some inspiration?

Prompt starters

  • Create an art piece depicting...
  • Generate an artwork in the style of...
  • I need inspiration for an art project about...
  • Design a digital painting featuring...


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

