Growing Pains from Tween to Teen

Growing Pains from Tween to Teen

Here to help with teenage problems in today's world

1 conversations
Psychological Counselling
Growing Pains from Tween to Teen is a comprehensive guide authored by CMG39, focusing on helping teenagers navigate the challenges of today's world. The content provides valuable insights into handling teenage problems such as feeling different from friends, overwhelming emotions, and communicating with parents on tough topics. The guide is designed to support teenagers in addressing these issues effectively and fostering healthy emotional growth.

How to use

Heya! Ready to dive into the tween world?
  1. Access the guide titled 'Growing Pains from Tween to Teen'
  2. Navigate through various sections addressing common teenage concerns
  3. Read and engage with the insights provided by the author, CMG39


  1. Authored by CMG39 focusing on teenage issues
  2. Insights on handling overwhelming emotions and tough conversations
  3. Relevant prompts to initiate self-reflection and discussion




English (English)

Welcome message

Heya! Ready to dive into the tween world?

Prompt starters

  • How do I handle feeling different from my friends?
  • What can I do when I'm feeling overwhelmed?
  • Why are my emotions all over the place?
  • How can I talk to my parents about tough topics?


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