Fit Guide

Fit Guide

A virtual fitness assistant that customizes plans for individual goals.

Fit Guide is a virtual fitness assistant created by Steve Dang. It offers personalized fitness plans tailored to individual goals and needs. The tool utilizes advanced technology to provide guidance on improving running endurance, suggesting healthy meal ideas for weight loss, creating workout plans for muscle building, and assisting beginners in starting their fitness journey. Fit Guide is a comprehensive platform designed to enhance users' fitness experiences with insights and recommendations.

How to use

Welcome to your personalized fitness journey! Follow these steps to get started:
  1. Access the Fit Guide platform
  2. Interact with the virtual fitness assistant to specify your goals
  3. Receive customized plans and advice to support your fitness journey


  1. Customized fitness plans
  2. Expert advice from the virtual assistant
  3. Goal-specific recommendations
  4. Support for beginners in fitness




English (English)

Welcome message

Welcome to your personalized fitness journey! How can I assist you today?

Prompt starters

  • How can I improve my running endurance?
  • What are some healthy meal ideas for weight loss?
  • Can you suggest a workout plan for building muscle?
  • I'm new to fitness, where should I start?


  • dalle
  • browser

