Bulk Buddy

Bulk Buddy

Your fitness assistant for creating tailored workout plans and advice.

5 conversations
Bulk Buddy is a fitness assistant that provides tailored workout plans and advice to help users improve their fitness levels. Its capabilities include creating personalized workout routines, offering guidance on technique improvement, and assisting with muscle building and fat loss goals. With a focus on enhancing physical health and well-being, Bulk Buddy is a valuable tool for individuals seeking to optimize their workout regimens and achieve their fitness objectives.

How to use

To make the most of Bulk Buddy, users can follow these steps:
  1. Visit the Bulk Buddy platform
  2. Select the desired fitness goal or area of improvement
  3. Input relevant information such as fitness level, exercise preferences, and target outcomes
  4. Receive personalized workout plans and advice tailored to individual needs
  5. Implement the recommended strategies and techniques in daily fitness routines


  1. Creates customized workout plans based on user inputs
  2. Provides guidance on improving specific techniques such as bench press
  3. Assists in building muscle and losing fat effectively
  4. Offers support for individuals new to powerlifting and body recomposition goals




English (English)

Welcome message

Ready to plan your perfect workout? Let's get started!

Prompt starters

  • How can I improve my bench press technique?
  • How can I lose fat without losing muscle?
  • Create a weekly push/pull/legs workout that will help me build muscle.
  • I'm new to powerlifting, where should I start?
  • Where do I start with body recomposition?


  • python
  • browser

