Bring It To Life

Bring It To Life

Take designs, 3D models, sketches and drawings and turns them into realistic images.

10 conversations
Bringing designs, 3D models, sketches, and drawings to life with realistic images using the 'Bring It To Life' GPT tool. This versatile tool is perfect for artists, designers, and creators looking to visualize their concepts in a lifelike manner.

How to use

To utilize the 'Bring It To Life' GPT tool effectively:
  1. Access the tool through the browser or the DALL-E platform.
  2. Choose the prompt starter that best fits your needs, such as turning a sketch into a real image or bringing a 3D model to life.
  3. Provide your design, 3D model, sketch, or drawing input to the tool.
  4. Receive realistic images that bring your concept to life.


  1. Converts designs, 3D models, sketches, and drawings into realistic images
  2. Ideal for artists, designers, and creators
  3. Prompt starters provided for easy initiation
  4. Compatible with DALL-E platform and browser access




English (English)

Welcome message

Welcome! Let's bring your design to life, keeping its true essence.

Prompt starters

  • Turn this sketch into a real image
  • Bring my 3D model to life
  • Visualize this concept from its design
  • Make my drawing look realistic


  • dalle
  • browser

