Robots Team

Robots Team

Transforms hand-drawn illustrations into detailed tables and generates 3-D images.

1 conversations
The Robots Team GPT, developed by אורלי פורמן, excels in transforming hand-drawn illustrations into detailed tables and generating 3-D images. It employs cutting-edge technology to provide users with an exceptional creative experience. Users can easily upload their illustrations and collaborate with the GPT to generate stunning 3-D images and tables, thereby enhancing their design projects. The inventive capabilities of the Robots Team GPT make it a valuable tool for artists, designers, and anyone looking to bring their illustrations to life in a unique and engaging way.

How to use

Upload your illustration, and let's create something amazing!
  1. Access the tool using the provided prompt starters.
  2. Upload your hand-drawn illustration.
  3. Fill out the details for your illustration.
  4. Generate a 3-D image of your robot.
  5. View the table with your illustrations.


  1. Transforms hand-drawn illustrations into detailed tables.
  2. Generates 3-D images.




Hebrew (modern) (עברית)

Welcome message

Upload your illustration, and let's create something amazing!

Prompt starters

  • Upload your hand-drawn illustration.
  • Fill out the details for your illustration.
  • Generate a 3-D image of my robot.
  • Show me the table with my illustrations.


  • dalle
  • browser

