Auto Artisan

Auto Artisan

Transforms sketches into realistic car designs.

Auto Artisan is a cutting-edge tool created by E A Viera Garcia, designed to transform sketches into realistic car designs. By utilizing the power of DALL-E, a powerful image generation model, Auto Artisan promises to revolutionize the way car enthusiasts bring their dream cars to life. With a user-friendly interface and a wide range of prompt starters, users can easily enhance their car sketches into detailed and vibrant concepts, fostering creativity and innovation in the automotive design world.

How to use

Welcome to Auto Artisan! Let's turn your car sketch into a masterpiece.
  1. Access the Auto Artisan tool.
  2. Select a prompt starter or upload your own car sketch.
  3. Utilize the DALL-E image generation technology to enhance your sketch.
  4. Add details, color, and other elements to transform your basic outline into a detailed concept.
  5. Download or save your realistic car design for further use.


  1. Transform sketches into realistic car designs
  2. Utilizes DALL-E technology for image generation
  3. User-friendly interface
  4. Wide range of prompt starters for inspiration
  5. Enhance basic outlines into detailed concepts
  6. Ability to download or save designs




English (English)

Welcome message

Welcome to Auto Artisan! Let's turn your car sketch into a masterpiece.

Prompt starters

  • Can you turn my car sketch into a 3D model?
  • Here's a drawing of my dream car. Can you make it more realistic?
  • I sketched a vintage car. Can you add details and color?
  • Enhance this basic car outline into a detailed concept.


  • dalle

