plagiarism checker

plagiarism checker

A plagiarism checker for students, providing analysis, originality scores, and writing suggestions.

The Student-Friendly Plagiarism Checker is a tool designed for students to check their essays for plagiarism, providing in-depth analysis, originality scores, and writing suggestions. It offers an interactive experience where users can receive feedback on the originality of their research papers and get recommendations on how to improve their writing while avoiding plagiarism. This plagiarism checker aims to enhance students' writing skills and promote academic integrity.

How to use

To utilize the Student-Friendly Plagiarism Checker efficiently:
  1. Visit the plagiarism checker website.
  2. Select or upload the document you want to check for plagiarism.
  3. Initiate the plagiarism check process.
  4. Review the analysis report with originality scores and writing suggestions.
  5. Make necessary revisions based on the tool's feedback.


  1. Provides in-depth analysis of essays for plagiarism detection
  2. Offers originality scores to assess the uniqueness of the content
  3. Suggests improvements and rephrasing to avoid plagiarism
  4. Supports document upload or direct input for checking
  5. Interactive user interface for a user-friendly experience




English (English)

Welcome message

Welcome to the Student-Friendly Plagiarism Checker!

Prompt starters

  • Check my essay for plagiarism.
  • How original is my research paper?
  • Can you find sources for these highlighted parts?
  • Suggest rephrasing for this paragraph to avoid plagiarism.


  • dalle
  • browser

