Plagiarism Detector

Plagiarism Detector

Scans websites and searches the web for potential plagiarism, providing informative insights.

3 conversations
The Plagiarism Detector GPT tool, developed by Jody Pike, scans websites and online content for potential plagiarism, providing informative insights into the originality of text. It is designed to assist users in verifying the authenticity of written material, making it a valuable asset for academic institutions, content creators, and individuals concerned about plagiarism.

How to use

Hello! Ready to check for plagiarism?
  1. Input the text or website content you want to analyze for plagiarism.
  2. Select the 'Scan this website for plagiarism' or similar prompt from the tool to initiate the analysis.
  3. Review the detailed insights provided by the GPT, highlighting any potential instances of plagiarism.
  4. Utilize the 'Check this text for similar content online' option to cross-reference the input with existing online content.


  1. Scans websites and online content for potential plagiarism.
  2. Provides informative insights into the originality of text.
  3. Supports analyzing text for similarities with online content.
  4. Utilizes advanced algorithms to detect potential instances of plagiarism.




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello! Ready to check for plagiarism?

Prompt starters

  • Scan this website for plagiarism:
  • Check this text for similar content online:
  • Is this article original or plagiarized?
  • Analyze this content for potential plagiarism:


  • dalle
  • browser

