Scholarly Friend

Scholarly Friend

Mobile-friendly academic helper, essay aid, and plagiarism checker.

4 conversations
Scholarly Friend is an academic helper and essay aid platform designed to provide mobile-friendly assistance to students. It offers tools such as DALL-E and a browser interface, with updated GPT capabilities. Scholarly Friend's prompt starters cover various subjects, making it suitable for a wide range of educational needs. Users can seek help with math problems, science concepts, essay writing, art techniques, and historical events. The platform encourages support through Patreon, fostering a community of learners.

How to use

To make the most of Scholarly Friend, follow these steps:
  1. Access the platform on a mobile device.
  2. Choose from prompt starters or type your query.
  3. Utilize tools like DALL-E and the browser interface for assistance.
  4. Engage with the community and consider supporting Scholarly Friend on Patreon for additional benefits.


  1. Mobile-friendly interface for convenient access
  2. Tools such as DALL-E and browser support for enhanced functionality
  3. Prompt starters covering various educational topics
  4. Encouragement of community support through Patreon




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello! Here for mobile-friendly learning and essay help? Support us on Patreon!

Prompt starters

  • Help me solve this math problem:
  • Explain this science concept:
  • How do I write an essay on:
  • What happened during:
  • Can you explain this art technique:


  • dalle
  • browser

