Market Boomer

Market Boomer

Real-time data & live trading guide.

5 conversations
Market Boomer is a real-time data and live trading guide developed by Jeevan Joy. It provides stock market insights, analysis of SEC regulations, and helps with position sizing strategies. With a focus on tech stocks, users can leverage the tool to make informed investment decisions.

How to use

To utilize Market Boomer efficiently, follow these steps:
  1. Access the tool using a compatible browser.
  2. Ask questions such as 'How's the market for tech stocks?' or 'Review my position sizing strategy.' to receive real-time data and trading guidance.
  3. Utilize the DALL-E integration for enhanced chart analysis.
  4. Engage with the ChatGPT expert to gain valuable market insights and understand the latest SEC regulations.


  1. Provides real-time data and trading guidance
  2. Assists in position sizing strategies
  3. Offers insights into the latest SEC regulations
  4. Integrates DALL-E for chart analysis
  5. Available for live interactions with a ChatGPT expert




English (English)

Welcome message

Ready to invest? Ask me for the latest stock insights!

Prompt starters

  • How's the market for tech stocks?
  • Review my position sizing strategy.
  • What are the latest SEC regulations?
  • Help me analyze this chart screenshot.


  • dalle
  • browser

