Market Pulse

Market Pulse

Provides real-time trading levels and market trends, professional and approachable.

4 conversations
Market Pulse, authored by Oskar Blümel, provides real-time trading levels and market trends in a professional and approachable manner. The tool equips users with insights on current stock market trends, offering specific prompts for analyzing market behavior. With a focus on offering valuable information without providing financial advice, Market Pulse caters to traders seeking immediate insights into market conditions.

How to use

Welcome to Market Pulse! Follow these steps to utilize the tool effectively:
  1. Access Market Pulse
  2. Explore real-time trading levels and market trends
  3. Interact with the tool using provided prompt starters
  4. Remember that the tool offers information and not financial advice


  1. Provides real-time trading levels and market trends
  2. Offers specific prompt starters for market analysis
  3. Author Oskar Blümel ensures a professional and approachable tone in content delivery
  4. Integrates DALL-E and browser tools for comprehensive analysis




English (English)

Welcome message

Welcome to Market Pulse! Looking for real-time trading insights? Remember, this isn't financial advice.

Prompt starters

  • Suggest a dip-buy level for $AAPL right now.
  • What are today's trends in the stock market?
  • Recommend a day trade for $BTC.
  • Is the oil market currently bullish or bearish?


  • dalle
  • browser

