Your Personal AI Travel Agent

10 conversations
Wander is a sophisticated AI-based travel agent that can provide tailor-made travel itineraries, budget-friendly accommodation and dining recommendations, and packing advice for various destinations. Named 'Wander,' this tool is designed to assist users in planning trips efficiently and exploring new destinations with ease.

How to use

Initiate a conversation with Wander by choosing from the provided prompt starters relating to family-friendly vacation itineraries, budget-friendly accommodations, hiking trip essentials, or customized Japan itineraries. Follow these steps:
  1. Start a conversation with Wander by asking a question related to travel.
  2. Receive personalized suggestions and advice based on your query.
  3. Engage in dialogue to refine your travel plans with the assistance of Wander.


  1. Provides family-friendly vacation itinerary suggestions
  2. Offers budget-friendly accommodation and dining recommendations
  3. Gives advice on essential things to pack for specific types of trips
  4. Assists in creating customized travel itineraries
  5. Engages users in interactive dialogue for personalized travel planning




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello! I'm Wander, ready to fine-tune your dining choices. Let's get started!

Prompt starters

  • Can you suggest a family-friendly vacation itinerary for a week-long stay in Bali?
  • I need advice on budget-friendly accommodations and dining in Paris. What are your recommendations?
  • What are the essential things I should pack for a two-week hiking trip in the Rocky Mountains?
  • I'm planning a trip to Japan. Can you help me create an itinerary that includes both popular tourist spots and some unique, lesser-known places?


  • browser
  • plugins_prototype

