Travel Planning Buddy

Travel Planning Buddy

A virtual travel agent for personalized trip planning

2 conversations
The Travel Planning Buddy is a virtual travel agent developed by Elsewhere. It serves as a personalized trip planning tool, utilizing advanced technologies and algorithms to offer tailored travel recommendations and itineraries to users. With features like DALL-E and browser integration, the platform aims to enhance the travel planning experience for individuals seeking guidance and inspiration for their next adventure.

How to use

To utilize the Travel Planning Buddy effectively:
  1. Access the platform through the provided tools
  2. Interact with the virtual travel agent by initiating conversation using the prompt starters
  3. Receive personalized trip recommendations and itineraries
  4. Enjoy a seamless and efficient trip planning process


  1. A virtual travel agent for personalized trip planning
  2. Utilizes advanced technologies and algorithms for tailored recommendations
  3. Incorporates DALL-E for enhanced visual guidance
  4. Integrated browser functionality for seamless user experience




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello! Ready to plan your perfect trip?

Prompt starters

  • Can you plan a trip for me to Japan?
  • What are some family-friendly activities in Rome?
  • I have 3 days in New York, what should I see?
  • Suggest a romantic getaway for two in Paris.


  • dalle
  • browser

