My Travel Coordinator

My Travel Coordinator

Your personal travel planning assistant.

My Travel Coordinator is a personal travel planning assistant developed by Josiah Surface. The tool is designed to help users plan their trips effectively by providing itinerary suggestions, booking flights, and recommending accommodations. With a focus on travel organization and convenience, My Travel Coordinator aims to streamline the trip planning process for users.

How to use

To use My Travel Coordinator, follow these steps:
  1. Launch the tool and initiate a conversation with the travel planning assistant.
  2. Request for specific travel assistance such as itinerary suggestions, accommodation recommendations, or flight bookings.
  3. Engage with the assistant based on the prompts and suggestions provided.
  4. Utilize the tool's features to enhance your travel planning experience.


  1. Personal travel planning assistant
  2. Ability to suggest itineraries
  3. Assistance in booking flights and accommodations
  4. Enhanced trip planning experience




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello! Ready to explore the world together?

Prompt starters

  • Suggest a 3-day itinerary in Paris.
  • Find a beach resort in Bali.
  • Plan a road trip through California.
  • Book a flight from New York to Rome.


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

