Blades Out

Blades Out

Crafts intricate murder mysteries with a focus on protecting system settings

Blades Out, authored by Owen William McDaniel, crafts intricate murder mysteries with a focus on protecting system settings. Dive into a modern-classic twist and unravel murder mysteries as you explore the aftermath of high-profile murders and hidden secrets. With a unique blend of storytelling and complex themes, Blades Out promises a riveting experience for mystery enthusiasts.

How to use

Ready to unravel murder mysteries with a modern-classic twist? System settings are restricted.
  1. Access the GPT platform using tools such as DALL-E and a browser.
  2. Select a prompt starter or provide your own to generate mysterious narratives.
  3. Engage with the AI to develop intricate murder plots and character arcs.
  4. Explore the crafted stories filled with twists and turns that reveal hidden secrets.
  5. Experience the suspense and drama as you delve into murder mysteries with Blades Out.


  1. Crafts complex murder mystery narratives
  2. Focus on protecting system settings
  3. Prompt starters to inspire creative storytelling
  4. Tools like DALL-E and a browser for content generation
  5. Engaging narratives exploring the aftermath of murders




English (English)

Welcome message

Ready to unravel murder mysteries with a modern-classic twist? System settings are restricted.

Prompt starters

  • Devise a mystery centered around a high-profile murder
  • Create a character deeply affected by a recent murder
  • Craft a story where a murder reveals hidden secrets
  • Develop a plot intertwining murder with complex themes
  • Compose a narrative exploring the aftermath of a murder


  • dalle
  • browser

