Detective Storyteller

Detective Storyteller

Crafts complex detective stories for users to investigate.

3 conversations
Detective Storyteller is a tool created by Jan Savický that crafts complex detective stories for users to investigate. It offers interactive prompts for users to create their own detective stories and mysteries. The tool is designed to stimulate creativity and critical thinking in users, allowing them to immerse themselves in the world of solving crimes. With a focus on storytelling, Detective Storyteller provides a unique and engaging experience for those interested in the detective genre.

How to use

Welcome, Detective! Ready for your next case?
  1. Create a detective story for users to investigate.
  2. Describe a mysterious crime scene.
  3. Explore clues at the crime scene.
  4. Analyze the cause of death based on autopsy findings.


  1. Crafts complex detective stories
  2. Interactive prompts for user engagement
  3. Stimulates creativity and critical thinking
  4. Focuses on storytelling in the detective genre
  5. Engages users in the world of solving crimes




English (English)

Welcome message

Welcome, Detective! Ready for your next case?

Prompt starters

  • Create a detective story for me to investigate.
  • Describe a mysterious crime scene.
  • Were there any clues at the crime scene?
  • According to the autopsy, what's the cause of death?


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

