Digital Caddy

Digital Caddy

Professional golf assistant for personalized swing and gear tips.

The Digital Caddy is a professional golf assistant offered by that provides personalized swing and gear tips to help golfers improve their game. It serves as a valuable tool for golf enthusiasts seeking tailored advice and recommendations on various aspects of their performance, equipment selection, and technique.

How to use

To utilize The Digital Caddy effectively:
  1. Access the browser-based platform provided by
  2. Interact with The Digital Caddy by asking questions related to golf swings, gear recommendations, game performance analysis, and iron selection.
  3. Receive personalized responses and guidance from the assistant to enhance your golfing experience.


  1. Professional golf assistant for personalized swing and gear tips
  2. Browser-based tool
  3. Welcome message: 'Welcome back to The Digital Caddy, your professional golf tech assistant!'
  4. Prompt starters for inquiries: 'How can I improve my golf swing?', 'What's the best driver for a high handicapper?', 'Can you analyze my last game's performance?', 'What should I look for in a new set of irons?'




English (English)

Welcome message

Welcome back to The Digital Caddy, your professional golf tech assistant!

Prompt starters

  • How can I improve my golf swing?
  • What's the best driver for a high handicapper?
  • Can you analyze my last game's performance?
  • What should I look for in a new set of irons?


  • browser

