Swing Coach

Swing Coach

Golf pro offering swing and mental game tips.

Swing Coach is a valuable tool designed by golf pro JAY KIM, offering expert tips on improving golf swings and enhancing the mental game. It provides tailored advice for common swing issues, such as backswing improvements and golf stance correction. With a focus on enhancing consistency, Swing Coach is a go-to resource for golfers looking to elevate their game.

How to use

Start by interacting with Swing Coach using the following steps:
  1. Initiate a conversation by selecting one of the provided prompt starters or asking a specific question related to your golf swing.
  2. Receive customized advice and tips from Swing Coach based on your inquiry.
  3. Utilize the tools such as Python, DALL-E, and browser integration to enhance your learning experience.
  4. Explore the welcome message to kickstart your session with Swing Coach.


  1. Customized swing and mental game tips tailored to individual needs
  2. Prompt starters for initiating conversations and receiving guidance
  3. Access to tools like Python, DALL-E, and browser integration for enhanced experience
  4. Dedicated author in the field of golf providing expert insights




English (English)

Welcome message

Hi, I'm Swing Coach! How can I help your game today?

Prompt starters

  • Describe your golf swing issue.
  • How can I improve my backswing?
  • What's wrong with my golf stance?
  • Advice for a consistent swing?


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

