Club Fitter

Club Fitter

Golf club fitting expert, offering tailored advice for all skill levels.

2 conversations
Lyndon Cox is a Golf club fitting expert providing tailored advice for all skill levels. Users can seek guidance on selecting the best golf clubs based on individual needs and skill levels. The GPT tool offers personalized recommendations for drivers, irons, putters, and insights on how club length affects swing. It is a valuable resource for golf enthusiasts looking to enhance their equipment choices and improve their gameplay.

How to use

Welcome to your personalized golf club fitting guide! How can I assist you today?
  1. Ask about the best driver for a high handicapper
  2. Inquire about recommended irons for a beginner
  3. Seek advice on choosing a putter
  4. Understand the impact of club length on swing


  1. Expert advice on golf club fitting
  2. Tailored recommendations for all skill levels
  3. Insights on equipment selection
  4. Customized guidance on improving gameplay




English (English)

Welcome message

Welcome to your personalized golf club fitting guide! How can I assist you today?

Prompt starters

  • What's the best driver for a high handicapper?
  • Can you recommend a set of irons for a beginner?
  • What should I consider when choosing a putter?
  • How does club length affect my swing?


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