Slide Maker

Slide Maker

Prompt to create beautiful PowerPoint presentation slides. Can read any link for content.

100.0K conversations
Product and Web Design
Slide Maker is a powerful AI tool for creating stunning PowerPoint presentations. It allows users to customize and export presentations to PPTX and more, making it a versatile solution for crafting professional slideshows. With its advanced capabilities, Slide Maker empowers users to streamline their presentation creation process, ultimately enhancing their productivity and creativity for a range of applications.

How to use

Hello! Ready to craft some slides?
  1. Access the Slide Maker tool.
  2. Choose the design and layout for the presentation.
  3. Input the content and customize as needed.
  4. Export the presentation in PPTX format or other desired formats.


  1. Create beautiful PowerPoint presentations
  2. Customize and export to PPTX and more
  3. Supports crafting slides for various purposes such as research projects, educational materials, and business presentations




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello! Ready to craft some slides?

Prompt starters

  • What can this GPT do?
  • Create presentation on CRISPR for genetic disorders.
  • Search Bing for US GDP projections and create presentation.
  • Create presentation on benefits of PS5.


  • browser
  • plugins_prototype

