Presentation Maker GPT

Presentation Maker GPT

Generate presentations for business, marketing or educational tasks in a variety of formats.

200 conversations
Generate presentations for business, marketing or educational tasks in a variety of formats. This GPT tool is designed to assist in creating compelling presentations for a wide range of purposes, including business meetings, marketing pitches, and educational material. With its diverse range of capabilities, it offers a flexible and user-friendly solution for those seeking to streamline the process of presentation creation.

How to use

To use the Presentation Maker GPT, follow these steps:
  1. Access the tool using a Python environment or through a compatible web browser.
  2. Select a prompt starter such as '/start' or '/download' to initiate the generation process.
  3. Provide relevant input or parameters to guide the GPT in creating the presentation.
  4. Review and refine the output as needed to achieve the desired result.
  5. Save or download the generated presentation for use in business, marketing, or educational endeavors.


  1. Generate presentations for business, marketing, or educational tasks
  2. Flexible output format options
  3. Simple, user-friendly interface
  4. Compatible with Python environment and web browsers
  5. Assists in streamlining the presentation creation process




English (English)

Prompt starters

  • /start
  • /download


  • python
  • browser

